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Is it time to hire more employees for your business?

On Behalf of | May 18, 2022 | Business Consulting & Advice |

You started a business a few years ago and it’s been a roaring success. Initially, you were on your own. As you grew, you took on a few team members. 

Lately, you’ve been securing new clients and some of them are quite substantial. Is your current workforce going to be able to handle the demands? How can you tell if they are being stretched too thin?

The work-life balance 

You’re used to being the last one to leave the building. After all, you started this business and it is among the most important things in your life. In recent weeks, you’ve gone to lock up and noticed that your key staff are still there. This is unusual, and when you inquire as to why this is happening, your team tells you that they still have so much to do. Your workforce won’t stay productive for too long if they don’t get the work-life balance right. If your team is having to put in excessive amounts of overtime, it may be time to bring in more employees.

Substantial delays 

You have a reputation for sticking to your end of agreements. You always complete tasks on time and to the highest standard, that’s why you secure so many repeat customers. Recently, you’ve had to renege on deals and delay completion dates. You just simply don’t have the manpower to complete the work. Delays in agreements can not only land you in legal trouble, but they could tarnish the reputations that you’ve worked so hard to establish. 

Running a business is no easy feat and it can be difficult to know what the appropriate level of staff for your company is. We advise Florida businesses regarding with all types of business law matters. When you have questions, contact us to schedule a consultation.
